Spare Wheel Cushion

About this product

The Spare Wheel Cushion (#64777-47080), a key component in the Deck Board & Deck Trim Cover system of Toyota vehicles, plays a crucial role in ensuring the stability of the spare wheel. It functions by absorbing vibrations and shocks while the vehicle is in operation, thereby giving the spare wheel a secure hold. Over time, it is possible for the Spare Wheel Cushion (#64777-47080) to degrade due to wear and tear, potentially affecting its ability to secure the spare wheel effectively. This could lead to increased vibration and movement of the spare wheel, causing potential damage to surrounding components. Selecting genuine Toyota parts like the Spare Wheel Cushion (#64777-47080) ensures compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Spare Wheel Cushion (#64777-47080) is not only essential in maintaining the overall safety of the vehicle's system but also contributes to the efficiency of your Toyota by preventing potential damage or wear to nearby components.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 64777-47080

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