Quarter Window Lock Hinge

About this product

The Quarter Window Lock Hinge (#62915-08030), part of Toyota's Side Window system, fulfills a vital role by securing the quarter window in place. This hinge operates in tandem with the window regulator, allowing the window to be opened or closed as needed. Over time, the hinge may become worn or clogged, potentially leading to malfunctioning windows or compromised vehicle security. The timely replacement of this hinge is essential to maintain the window's functionality and the car's security. If left untreated, an old or broken hinge can prevent the window from sealing properly, leading to leaks, drafts, or even theft. By using genuine Toyota parts, you benefit from seamless vehicle compatibility and Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Quarter Window Lock Hinge (#62915-08030) contributes significantly to the overall operational efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.